L’Oréal and TKM: high-precision monitoring

For more responsible innovation

L’Oréal and TKM: high-precision monitoring

For more responsible innovation




Looking for a needle in a haystack

L'Oréal places environmental issues at the heart of its innovation strategy. In a very competitive world, where industrial property plays a key role, patent monitoring is a rigorous discipline for all the group's business experts. Every year, there are several thousand new patents that must be monitored and analyzed worldwide!

How, in the midst of all this mass of information, can we identify patents that are truly relevant from an environmental point of view?

Most patent monitoring tools allow you to configure alerts based on keywords... but can we really reduce a concept as vast and complex as eco-responsibility to a set of keywords?

Other AI “solutions” pride themselves on locating interesting documents for you in a few clicks, but the level of precision of these generic AIs does not exceed 30 to 40%: largely insufficient to shed light on such a sensitive and strategic subject.


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A tailor-made monitoring solution to achieve an unrivaled level of precision

To respond to specific industrial property issues, TKM aims for levels of precision much higher than those on the market. Our solution is based on the training of a set of AI models focused on the specific needs of the client.

In conjunction with L'Oréal experts, our AI team trains a machine and deep learning model to recognize and identify any document likely to be of interest. Without defining prior rules, our AI platform is designed to identify “patterns” common to documents considered to be eco-responsible, whatever the technical criterion: organically sourced ingredients, banning of certain synthetic molecules, a more resource-efficient manufacturing process…

In a few weeks, very encouraging first results made it possible to test the solution in the form of a “proof of concept”. Once the results are stabilized and the targeted accuracy rate is reached, the model goes into production.


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Absolute priority given to strategic patents

Every week, L'Oréal researchers receive a notification in their technology monitoring tool which brings to their attention the truly strategic patents: an infinitesimal percentage compared to the hundreds of patents published each month in their field.

    • A saving of precious time;
      • Attention from the innovation teams focused on their strategic axis: concretely putting respect for the environment and planetary resources at the heart of the group's offer.

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